How can you change?

February 8, 2017

Do you know why you keep repeating unuseful patterns? What I mean by patterns, can be either your thoughts or your behaviours. I'm talking about those things you keep doing even though you know they're not good for you. Whether it's continuing to eat those...

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EFT for free?

July 15, 2014

I'm often asked why would you go and see an EFT practitioner when you can learn to do it yourself? EFT - standing for Emotional Freedom Technique - is more commonly known as the tapping technique. It stems from Chinese medicine and more specifically acupuncture,...

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5 ways to lose weight with NLP

July 20, 2013

So, summer is apparently here :-) And you might have planned some sunny holidays soon, and it’s time to think of getting in shape to fit into your swimming suit. I often hear people talking about dieting a few weeks before holidays. And perhaps, you’ve...

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Having your cake and eat it at the same time

July 10, 2013

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you want something but there’s a part of you that gets in the way? Such as having lots of work to do but procrastinating on social media instead?! Or being on a diet and not being...

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Counselling or NLP therapy?

June 28, 2013

Why would you choose NLP therapy rather than counselling or psychotherapy? Most clients I see in my practice bring up issues that could very well be treated via traditional talking therapy. Such as stress, anxiety, low self-esteem or even depression. In most cases, it only...

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