How can you change?

February 8, 2017

Do you know why you keep repeating unuseful patterns? What I mean by patterns, can be either your thoughts or your behaviours. I'm talking about those things you keep doing even though you know they're not good for you. Whether it's continuing to eat those...

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5 ways to handle difficult emotions

July 29, 2015

How do you usually respond when you experience negative emotions, such as anger, fear or pain? Do you willingly embrace them or do you get frustrated and annoyed, trying to push them away? Does it work? Most of us try to fight those emotions when...

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Changing habits

August 9, 2013

How does the brain work? What makes it change? Most people will at some point in their life come through a behaviour or habit they have that limits their life. Whether it's using food as an emotional crutch, having a bumble bee phobia, biting their...

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