How to let go

November 9, 2020

In many instances in life we are required to "let go". When we lose our job or decide to change career ; when a relationship or friendship ends ; when our life circumstances change or we realise our dreams won't come true. If you think...

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What is the ego?

February 6, 2017

In my quest of understanding the mind I'm really intrigued on the link between the ego and the higher self. Eckhart Tolle explains that our ego's strategies are only designed to get a strong sense of identity. I've been intrigued by that idea and decided...

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The sixth stage of grief

September 23, 2016

I've already shared my view on the necessity to give ourselves some time to grief but today I'd like to talk about how to actually deal with grief. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the popular 5 stages of grief developed by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross that offers...

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What’s the difference between guilt and shame?

March 17, 2015

How do you define the difference between shame and guilt? A lot of people I've been talking to tend to confuse the two, or aren't really sure what the difference is, and actually, if it matters indeed. In my therapeutic work with clients, I often...

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Are you really bipolar?

July 23, 2014

I'm struck with the diagnostic for bipolar disorder. Nowadays, like depression, it's a diagnostic that's very popular and easily given and I am alarmed by the easiness with which NHS doctors jump to those conclusions and give very strong drugs to patients. I have seen...

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June 11, 2014

Have you lost a loved one recently? Do you feel numb, do you find yourself hypersensitive, crying for no reason? Have you lost all motivation? You might simply be grieving. Grief is quite a complex emotion and in our society where everything has to happen...

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